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  • Registrant : 龍ケ崎市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/10/31
  • Published : 2023/10/31
  • Changed :2023/10/31
  • Total View : 609 persons
2024/2/15 / 龍ケ崎市 / Other

administrative consultation

Do you have any problems with operations under the jurisdiction of administrative agencies, such as "I want you to repair a dangerous part of the road," "I don't know where to consult," "I applied to the municipal office, but the procedure is not progressing," "Public facilities are damaged and dangerous," "It is difficult to go to the counter," and so on? In such cases, please make use of administrative consultation.
Administrative consultation is a system whereby the Commissioner accepts complaints and requests to the government and administrative agencies, etc., and, from a different standpoint from the government office, stands between the consultant and the government office to facilitate the resolution of problems and improve administrative management.

Do you have any problems with operations under the jurisdiction of administrative agencies, such as "I want you to repair a dangerous part of the road," "I don't know where to consult," "I applied to the municipal office, but the procedure is not progressing," "Public facilities are damaged and dangerous," "It is difficult to go to the counter," and so on? In such cases, please make use of administrative consultation.
Administrative consultation is a system whereby the Commissioner accepts complaints and requests to the government and administrative agencies, etc., and, from a different standpoint from the government office, stands between the consultant and the government office to facilitate the resolution of problems and improve administrative management.

Address 龍ケ崎市
Date 2024/2/15
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Vivinavi - Events

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